Sunday, December 11, 2011

Creation or Evolution/ The Creation of the Universe

There has been a lot of controversy about where life all began. A lot of respected scientists say that life was the brought into being through cosmic chance. Their supporting evidence has been The Big Bang, the Fossil record, Distant Starlight theory, and many others. Other respected scientists believe that a divine creator brought the Earth and the Universe into being. The supporting evidence for this is Missing Monopoles, Uneven amounts of Anti-Matter, the Moon's distance from the Earth, and the Bible. These theories are all well and good, but the facts need to be addressed and both sides of the argument need to be looked at for you the reader to reach your own conclusion. I am an avid supporter of Creationism myself, so I will mostly be trying to rebut the common "evidences" of evolution. But I will also give the Evolutionary side as well, to allow for an attempt at being as unbiased as possible. Also, this is a debate over theories. Both these arguments cannot be truly scientific since we can not go back and replicate what happened on the early (or created) Earth.

The Side of Evolution


Their are two kinds of evolution. Micro Evolution and Macro Evolution. Micro Evolution is quite real and is the process of genetic mutations that changes a being at the genetic level. This does not however change a dog to a horse, but can change the dog from a German Shepherd to a German Shepherd and Lab mix. Macro Evolution is the subject of controversy and will be the type of Evolution discussed here.  This is a theory that states that all living things originated from non-organic molecules on a barren/molten planet called Earth. These non-organic molecules formed amino acids (building blocks of life and organic proteins). These amino acids formed into long chains and eventually after millions of years turned into a living cell. This cell eventually evolved into the diversity of different species we see today.

The Evidence

The main evidence of evolution is found in the fossil record. Scientists been said to have found fossils of
monkey to main transitional forms. This transitional skeleton is named "Lucy". This fossil is an ape but has been dated at 3.2 million years old. It was also supposed to walk upright and its skull has a close resemblance to a human skull. Another piece of evidence is Carbon 14 dating. This method dates rocks and minerals by measuring the amount of Carbon in the rocks/minerals. The scientists then figure out the half life(rate of decay) of the Carbon itself. The half-life of carbon is 5730 yrs. So if you find a rock with half Carbon and Half Nitrogen (the by-product of Carbon decay) you could estimate that this rock has been around for 5730 yrs. This deals with evolution by making the Earth old enough to allow for evolutionary changes to occur. Finally a reason for evolution is the experiment of Stanley Miller. Miller took a mixture of gases( ammonia, methane,water vapor, and hydrogen) to stimulate the Earths early atmosphere. He then passed electricity through the gases to stimulate lightning or some sort of electric charge to cause a reaction in the gases. This produced a mixture of amino acids!


In conclusion to the evolutionary viewpoint life occurred by complete chance and without any supernatural intervention. This occurred through a mixture of non-organic chemicals to create something organic.

The Creation Perspective 

To start I will say that I am a believer in this theory because of all the evidence to back up the creation claim. Also I am a Bible-Believing Christian so I believe that God created the Universe for a purpose.
The theory of Creation was not established by one person. Actually the theory of a Creator has been around as long as there has been a Religion that has a god involved. This theory states that a Creator created the universe through supernatural processes and then all allowed the natural processes he created to (mostly) take over.  This theory also states that life did not evolve but was supernaturally and immediately created at once.  There is scientific evidence to support this theory as will be shown in the following paragraphs.

The Evidence

1. Missing Links are Missing!
The forms that Evolutionists have promised to find in the fossil record have not been found yet! These forms are supposed to show how life has transformed from one being to another. For example, if a mouse turned into a rabbit there should be a mouse/rabbit mixed fossil in the fossil record.Now, concerning Lucy. Lucy has been a stepping stool for evolutionists to prove their view on the fossil record. But according to answers in Genesis,(and Donald Johnson, an highly known American anthropologist) the fossil itself is so incomplete scientists cannot give a solid conclusion to what species Lucy even belonged in! Also other fossils that have been found by evolutionists have been proven hoax's as well! For example, in the early 1920's a fossil was found that was said to have been part of an "ape man". This "fossil" was only a tooth fossil. This fossil was put in many a newspaper and was used as strong evidence for evolution. It was even used as evidence during the highly famed Scopes Trial. This fossil was eventually found to be the tooth of an extinct wild pig! Creationists have a different view on how these fossils came to be . God created all beings and plants on the 3rd,5th, and 6th days of creation around 6,000 yrs. ago. This matches up well with the fossil record by first showing that no transitional forms between beings as stated above. And that is why fossils and human "transitional" forms are not pieces of evidence for the evolutionist.

Amino Acids

An experiment was conducted by a scientist by the name of Stanley Miller. He supposedly created life in a closed environment. The stuff he created were amino acids. There are

1 comment:

  1. This is a worthwhile endeavor. It is good to understand why you believe what you do.

    A couple of things to look up:
    validity of radiocarbon dating methods
