There has been a lot of controversy about where life all began. A lot of respected scientists say that life was the brought into being through cosmic chance. Their supporting evidence has been The Big Bang, the Fossil record, Distant Starlight theory, and many others. Other respected scientists believe that a divine creator brought the Earth and the Universe into being. The supporting evidence for this is Missing Monopoles, Uneven amounts of Anti-Matter, the Moon's distance from the Earth, and the Bible. These theories are all well and good, but the facts need to be addressed and both sides of the argument need to be looked at for you the reader to reach your own conclusion. I am an avid supporter of Creationism myself, so I will mostly be trying to rebut the common "evidences" of evolution. But I will also give the Evolutionary side as well, to allow for an attempt at being as unbiased as possible. Also, this is a debate over theories. Both these arguments cannot be truly scientific since we can not go back and replicate what happened on the early (or created) Earth.
The Side of Evolution
Their are two kinds of evolution. Micro Evolution and Macro Evolution. Micro Evolution is quite real and is the process of genetic mutations that changes a being at the genetic level. This does not however change a dog to a horse, but can change the dog from a German Shepherd to a German Shepherd and Lab mix. Macro Evolution is the subject of controversy and will be the type of Evolution discussed here. This is a theory that states that all living things originated from non-organic molecules on a barren/molten planet called Earth. These non-organic molecules formed amino acids (building blocks of life and organic proteins). These amino acids formed into long chains and eventually after millions of years turned into a living cell. This cell eventually evolved into the diversity of different species we see today.
The Evidence
The main evidence of evolution is found in the fossil record. Scientists been said to have found fossils of
monkey to main transitional forms. This transitional skeleton is named "Lucy". This fossil is an ape but has been dated at 3.2 million years old. It was also supposed to walk upright and its skull has a close resemblance to a human skull. Another piece of evidence is Carbon 14 dating. This method dates rocks and minerals by measuring the amount of Carbon in the rocks/minerals. The scientists then figure out the half life(rate of decay) of the Carbon itself. The half-life of carbon is 5730 yrs. So if you find a rock with half Carbon and Half Nitrogen (the by-product of Carbon decay) you could estimate that this rock has been around for 5730 yrs. This deals with evolution by making the Earth old enough to allow for evolutionary changes to occur. Finally a reason for evolution is the experiment of Stanley Miller. Miller took a mixture of gases( ammonia, methane,water vapor, and hydrogen) to stimulate the Earths early atmosphere. He then passed electricity through the gases to stimulate lightning or some sort of electric charge to cause a reaction in the gases. This produced a mixture of amino acids!
In conclusion to the evolutionary viewpoint life occurred by complete chance and without any supernatural intervention. This occurred through a mixture of non-organic chemicals to create something organic.
The Creation Perspective
To start I will say that I am a believer in this theory because of all the evidence to back up the creation claim. Also I am a Bible-Believing Christian so I believe that God created the Universe for a purpose.
The theory of Creation was not established by one person. Actually the theory of a Creator has been around as long as there has been a Religion that has a god involved. This theory states that a Creator created the universe through supernatural processes and then all allowed the natural processes he created to (mostly) take over. This theory also states that life did not evolve but was supernaturally and immediately created at once. There is scientific evidence to support this theory as will be shown in the following paragraphs.
The Evidence
1. Missing Links are Missing!
The forms that Evolutionists have promised to find in the fossil record have not been found yet! These forms are supposed to show how life has transformed from one being to another. For example, if a mouse turned into a rabbit there should be a mouse/rabbit mixed fossil in the fossil record.Now, concerning Lucy. Lucy has been a stepping stool for evolutionists to prove their view on the fossil record. But according to answers in Genesis,(and Donald Johnson, an highly known American anthropologist) the fossil itself is so incomplete scientists cannot give a solid conclusion to what species Lucy even belonged in! Also other fossils that have been found by evolutionists have been proven hoax's as well! For example, in the early 1920's a fossil was found that was said to have been part of an "ape man". This "fossil" was only a tooth fossil. This fossil was put in many a newspaper and was used as strong evidence for evolution. It was even used as evidence during the highly famed Scopes Trial. This fossil was eventually found to be the tooth of an extinct wild pig! Creationists have a different view on how these fossils came to be . God created all beings and plants on the 3rd,5th, and 6th days of creation around 6,000 yrs. ago. This matches up well with the fossil record by first showing that no transitional forms between beings as stated above. And that is why fossils and human "transitional" forms are not pieces of evidence for the evolutionist.
Amino Acids
An experiment was conducted by a scientist by the name of Stanley Miller. He supposedly created life in a closed environment. The stuff he created were amino acids. There are
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Axum Empire
Government B (Brian H.)
The government of the Axum was a highly organized monarchy up to the end of their empire. The government showed its organization by allowing for the individual rights of the people to be allowed. This was expressed in the toleration they had for other cultures, for example Islam. They protected Islamic and Arabic officials allowing the Islamic people open to trade. The government also controlled 1.25 million square kilometers of land at its peak. The government also lasted from 100-940 A.D; this reign was also not disrupted by war or civil unrest until the end of the empire’s reign. This showed the governments’ ability to govern the people fairly. The government therefor had to have a strong hold on the civilization to allow it to run smoothly. They also had a strong navy because of their strong connection with sea trade this allowed for the government to have more control over trade and economics’ within the civilization. But as the civilization started to decline the governments control over their navy and trade began to decline. This opened the door to more invasions from pirates and other civilizations. As the government lost power economically it drew back into isolation. Without the necessary resources to keep the Civilization sustained the Civilization continued to decline and was eventually taken over by an opposing tribe. I gave the Axum government a B because the government did promote religious tolerance and freedom along with developing a strong navy and trade empire that reached all the way to the Middle East and to the Roman Empire. The government also controlled up to one and a half million square kilometers with land that showed how efficiently the government protected its people. I marked the Axum Empire down because it eventally became corrupt and allowed for its navy and economy to slowly fall apart. This allowed for more invasions. They then became isolated driving the government to be more controlling and oppressive. This eventually lead to enemy invasion.
Religion B- (Brian H.)
The Axum empires religion was very polytheistic at the beginning of its reign. It did not value human life because they were continually sacrificing humans and animals for offerings to their gods. They also performed many rituals and dances to bring favor to the gods before and after battle. The rituals themselves did benefit the society because it did bring the people together and made them feel part of a greater purpose. The Axum empire did turn to Christianity monotheistic religion) after a king named Ezna came to power. This changed the overall rule of government in the people's lives. He converted the civilization to Christianity and because this religion promoted peace, vowed to serve his people with honor and love. This religion therefor raised the value of life, when the government stopped sacrificing humans to appease the gods. This promoted the value of life to the people because it showed how much the government promoted individual growth in a society instead of killing them off to appease the gods and ruin the potential of that person. This also allowed the higher and poorer classes of society to all have an equal chance at eternal happiness. Since poor people could not afford to sacrifice more than wealthy people the "gods" would tend to be madder at them because they were not as pleased with the sacrifices that were made. Christianity put all poor and wealthy people on an even playing field because of the loss of sacrificing. This form of Christianity believed that they were a descendant of king Solomon himself! They also believed they have the Ark of the Covenant, this allowed kings to have something to unite the people around Christianity, the Ark. Since they had a relic in their possession they had a visual sign that their religion had some salt. The new religion did not completely take out the old traditions practiced in the Empire. I gave the empire a B- in religion because even though it converted to Christianity which improved value and life. Christianity even imposed new ways to solve problems (prayer). But the Axum empire was a polytheistic religion that degraded the value of life of the people by human sacrifice. It also potentially killed younger members of the civilization that could have helped the civilization grow.
Economy A- (Hunter)
The economy for the Axum Empire was farming and trading. Though the Aksumites
farmed, trading was the main objective of their life. In the Aksumites economy they produced
many goods that they used to trade. One of their main goods that they produced was
manufactured luxury goods, but also they had ivory, gold, iron, salt, copper, wheat, barley, and
other agricultural goods. In return for those goods the Axum Empire imported silk, spices, silver,
olive oil, and wine. The Aksumite rulers facilitated their own trade by starting their own
currency. An important reason why the Axum Empire was a large part of their economy was
because they were able to use the trade routes of the Silk Road and also the Southern Spice
(Eastern) trade routes. The empire also had the ability to use both the Nile River and the Red sea
for trading. Those trading routes enabled the Axum Empire to trade with Roman traders,
Egyptian merchants, Persian merchants, and also others within their range like African, Arabian,
and Indian states. Since the Axum Empire had all of those trading of products, it improved the
quality of life for the citizens because they received many useful and helpful goods for the
products that they exported. Later on in the empire the Aksumites benefited from the
transformation of the maritime trade system that had linked them to Rome and India using
monsoon winds. This started around the beginning of the Common Era. There was an advanced
level of trade for the Axum Empire because of all of the reasons listed and also their strong navy
to profit from the trade. For those reasons I have given the Axum empires economy an A-.
The economy for the Axum Empire was farming and trading. Though the Aksumites
farmed, trading was the main objective of their life. In the Aksumites economy they produced
many goods that they used to trade. One of their main goods that they produced was
manufactured luxury goods, but also they had ivory, gold, iron, salt, copper, wheat, barley, and
other agricultural goods. In return for those goods the Axum Empire imported silk, spices, silver,
olive oil, and wine. The Aksumite rulers facilitated their own trade by starting their own
currency. An important reason why the Axum Empire was a large part of their economy was
because they were able to use the trade routes of the Silk Road and also the Southern Spice
(Eastern) trade routes. The empire also had the ability to use both the Nile River and the Red sea
for trading. Those trading routes enabled the Axum Empire to trade with Roman traders,
Egyptian merchants, Persian merchants, and also others within their range like African, Arabian,
and Indian states. Since the Axum Empire had all of those trading of products, it improved the
quality of life for the citizens because they received many useful and helpful goods for the
products that they exported. Later on in the empire the Aksumites benefited from the
transformation of the maritime trade system that had linked them to Rome and India using
monsoon winds. This started around the beginning of the Common Era. There was an advanced
level of trade for the Axum Empire because of all of the reasons listed and also their strong navy
to profit from the trade. For those reasons I have given the Axum empires economy an A-.
Axum Coinage after the Civilization's conversion to Christianity.
Art and Architecture: C (Ally S)
The Axum Empire inharited many ideas and tecniques from Southern Arabians. Some art was a mixture Ethiopian, Southern Arabian, and Middle Eastern art. This was because the Axum Empire was based off Trade and many ideas were taken from the different cultures that traded with the Axum Empire. The Axum Empire was very creative with the use of colors and different interpertations of how they viewd nature. A large portion of their art was influenced by nature, animals and human beings. The Axum empire was known for their large and beautiful mansions made for Kings and other rulers. They also built large Catherdrals including Saint Mary of Zion, which is said to hold the "Ark of the Covenent." The Axum Empire didnt emphasize human advancement with art, but more so in the area in Architecture because they learned how to make a bigger and better houses with the use of their resources including stones and pottery. I gave the Axum Empire a C on Art and Architecture because they didnt empasize human advancement and most of their ideas were taken from others.
Art and Architecture: C (Ally S)
The Axum Empire inharited many ideas and tecniques from Southern Arabians. Some art was a mixture Ethiopian, Southern Arabian, and Middle Eastern art. This was because the Axum Empire was based off Trade and many ideas were taken from the different cultures that traded with the Axum Empire. The Axum Empire was very creative with the use of colors and different interpertations of how they viewd nature. A large portion of their art was influenced by nature, animals and human beings. The Axum empire was known for their large and beautiful mansions made for Kings and other rulers. They also built large Catherdrals including Saint Mary of Zion, which is said to hold the "Ark of the Covenent." The Axum Empire didnt emphasize human advancement with art, but more so in the area in Architecture because they learned how to make a bigger and better houses with the use of their resources including stones and pottery. I gave the Axum Empire a C on Art and Architecture because they didnt empasize human advancement and most of their ideas were taken from others.
Technology – Grade - B (Andrew)
The Axum Empire made some great technological advancements during their time. One thing they did was that they were the first country south of the Sahara desert to mint their own coins. Issuing coinage in the ancient times was of great importance because it showed the Axum Empire considered themselves equal to their neighbors. The presence of coins made trade easier which was a source of profit to the empire. The Axum Empire also created terrace farming which was used to farm on hillsides or mountainous areas. Another advancement was that they built dams and cisterns. A cistern can be described as a mini tank for holding water. I think that the Axum empires technology advancements did improve the quality of life. This is because minting coins improved the quality of trade with other countries and made them a better trading empire. Also they had the presence of mind to create terrace farming which made life better because it gave the empire a source of food and agriculture. Also dams and cisterns helped hold water for them. I gave the Axum Empire a B because even though they did not do many things in technology the things they did do were great for the empire. Without minting coins or terrace farming they would not have been able to trade with anyone or earn a profit.
An Axum crafted obelisk.
Society: D - (Betsy)
Axum Empire doesn’t approve of everyone being treated the same. Instead they had four classes. The four classes are (in order): High-Ranking Lineages, Low-Ranking Lineages, Endogamous, and Slaves and Decedents of slaves. The high and low-ranking lineages didn’t ever want to be seen with Endogamous or Slaves and Decedents of slaves. They classified the four classes by amount of education, neighborhood in which they lived (wealthy lived in urban areas, poor lived in the rural areas), and job one holds (lawyer= high classes, leather workers= low classes). In fact the two upper classes had the two lower classes work for them as slaves even if they weren’t meant to be slaves. If you owned land you most likely had a slave(s) to work the field for you. Only the upper classes owned land. The slaves that belonged to the Aksumites were treated horribly, bad. The slaves had to obey all the rules the owner of them put into place, which was called the feudal arrangement which was set up to ranch the ground. Slaves also couldn’t talk back, or rebel against their owners because they were the lowest class. If the slaves happen to rebel the owners could either have them shipped off somewhere else, beaten, and/or put in jail. The Aksumite Slaves were traded for other products the people in Axum needed. Finally the social movement was not allowed because the classes were so separated from each other.
I gave the Axum Empire a D- because they didn’t have equality, they had classes. They also had slaves and treated them horrible. The last slave was emancipated by the EDLF government in the late 1970’s.Final Grade C
Our group gave the Axum empire a C because even though it stood out in some areas it did not do well in others. Religion in the Axum empire had its ups and downs but even though it started out as a bloodthirsty polytheistic religion it converted to Christianity in the middle of its reign. Also the government of the Axum had its strong, but weak points. It was able to be tolerant to other religions and also build a strong trading empire and navy. But it capitalized on slaves in the beginning of its reign, the government also began to fall into isolation and its trading empire began to crumble. The economy and technology were also both pretty good and made the empire money with excellent trading. This allowed for more market revenue and more goods to be brought in and sold easily within the empire. The reason their ranked down is because of their art and architecture and society. The empire copied other empires ideas for art and architecture and their society was just very poor because there were different classes which degraded human life in general.
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